Gods (Maiar)

The Maiar (singular: Maia) are beings from J. R. R. Tolkien’s high fantasy legendarium. They are lesser Ainur who entered Eä in the beginning of time. Tolkien uses the term Valar („The Powers”) to refer both to all the Ainur who entered Eä, and (more often) specifically to the greatest among them, the fourteen Lords and Queens of the Valar. So the Maiar are at the same time lesser Valar and the helpers of the (greater) Valar. „Valar” without qualification generally refers to the great Valar. The name Maiar is in the Quenya tongue and comes from the Elvish root maya- „excellent, admirable”. Maiar refers in Quenya to all the Ainur who entered Eä, the „Creation”, and more often to the lesser power among them: „Maia is the name of the Kin of the Valar, but especially of those of lesser power than the 9 great rulers” wrote Tolkien.









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